The level of steak doneness Medium Rare

What are the Differences Between the Six Levels of Steak Cooking?

Steak is a popular dish worldwide, celebrated for its rich flavor, mouth-watering aroma, and melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. The charm of steak lies in its variety, and one of the key factors in pleasing every palate is choosing the right level of steak cooking, which can range across six distinct levels.

In this article, we’ll explore each level of steak doneness and share tips for grilling the perfect steak. Let’s dive in and see how it’s done!

The Six Levels of Steak Doneness: The Ideal Grilling Time for Each Level

When grilling a steak, you can achieve six different levels of doneness:

Blue Rare

Starting with Blue Rare – the outer surface of the steak appears nicely seared, but the inside remains bright red with a hint of pink, making it mouth-wateringly tempting.

For those who enjoy a true taste of meat, preparing Blue Rare is simple: sear the room-temperature steak on a scorching hot pan for just 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side. The result is a steak with a brown-gray crust while preserving the tender, juicy core, delivering the pure, authentic flavor of the meat. This level of steak doneness is a must-try for true steak enthusiasts.


Moving up a notch is Rare, which delivers a steak with a brown-gray exterior, while the inside retains a juicy red core covering about 75% of the steak. When you bite into it, you’ll experience a slightly chewy texture with a mild gaminess, balanced by the intense juiciness and deep flavor. Rare is ideal for those who want to savor the original taste of beef with minimal seasoning.

To cook a Rare steak, start by searing the room-temperature steak on a hot pan for about 2-3 minutes per side, or until the internal temperature reaches 48.8°C (120°F). Depending on personal preference, some prefer grilling one side for up to 6 minutes and the other for 3-4 minutes.

Medium Rare

Medium-rare is the most popular level of steak doneness, offering the perfect balance between juicy tenderness and rich flavor. The steak has a brown-gray exterior with a pinkish-red interior, with about 50% doneness from the edges inward.

The process is straightforward: grill the room-temperature steak on a hot pan for 3-4 minutes per side or bake at 130-135°C (266-275°F) for 6 minutes, then flip and cook for another 4-5 minutes. The key is using a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches around 54.4°C (130°F). This will give you a perfectly cooked, juicy steak that retains its delicious flavor and aroma.


For those who prefer their steak a bit more cooked, Medium is the ideal level of steak cooking. This level is perfect for those who enjoy a well-done yet still tender steak with some retained flavor. A medium steak is characterized by being about 80% brown on both the outside and inside, with just a faint pink center.

To achieve Medium doneness, start by grilling the steak to an internal temperature of around 60-63°C (140-145°F). Grill one side for about 7 minutes, then flip and cook for another 5-6 minutes. The result is a steak that remains juicy but is firmer than a Medium Rare steak.

Medium Well

Next is Medium-well, where the steak is almost fully cooked, leaving only a touch of pink in the center. The texture becomes firmer, while still maintaining some tenderness and juiciness.

To cook a Medium-well steak, sear the room-temperature steak on a hot pan for 6-8 minutes per side until the internal temperature reaches 65.5°C (150°F). Alternatively, grill at 72-76°C (160-170°F) for 7-8 minutes for equally satisfying results. The key is precise temperature and time control to ensure the steak is cooked to perfection without drying out or charring.

Well Done

Finally, we reach Well-done, the highest level of steak cooking. At this level, the steak is fully cooked both inside and out, with a consistent brown color throughout. Although it may lose some of its juiciness, it still packs a full, intense flavor.

To achieve a Well-done steak, simply grill the room-temperature steak on a hot pan for 9-10 minutes per side, or cook at a temperature above 76°C (170°F) for 9-10 minutes. While some chefs may not recommend this level of doneness, it’s perfect for those who prefer fully cooked meat without any pinkness.

Top Grilling Tips From Chefs to Make the Perfect Steak

For those eager to try making delicious steak at home, here are some tips to achieve chef-level results:

Choose high-quality meat

Select premium steak cuts with balanced marbling. Look for cuts with a deep red color, a glossy sheen, and no unpleasant odor. After purchasing, let the meat rest in the fridge for 1-2 days to enhance its flavor.

Bring the steak to room temperature before grilling

Remove the steak from the fridge 30 minutes to 1 hour before cooking to allow it to reach room temperature. This ensures even cooking. However, avoid leaving it out too long to prevent spoilage.

Prepare the meat with olive oil

Lightly coat and massage the steak with olive oil. This helps lock in moisture and allows seasoning to adhere better.

Season with salt and pepper

Enhance the steak’s flavor by sprinkling salt to draw out moisture and create a crisp outer crust. Add pepper for aroma and a subtle kick of spice, and season just before grilling.

Add garlic and thyme for extra flavor

Cut a garlic bulb in half and add thyme leaves to the pan alongside the steak. This brings out a unique aroma and flavor.

Let the steak rest after grilling

After grilling, resist the urge to cut the steak immediately. Instead, place it on a cutting board and cover with aluminum foil for about 5 minutes. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a tender and juicy steak.

Enhance the flavor of your steak’s doneness with salt and pepper

There are many levels of steak doneness to enjoy, from rare to fully cooked. Each level requires different cooking times, so choose the one that suits your taste. But if you think grilling steak at home is too complicated, you can always enjoy a flavorful steak at MercuryVille @ Chidlom. We are home to a variety of restaurants in Chidlom Bangkok. If you’re in the area and craving some grilled delights, this is the place to be!
